Exploring the depths of your Emotions
Emotional Support | Emotional Clearing | Inner Voice
What you clear in the present, creates the path for the future.
My Process
Explore the power of accessing, identifying and expressing feelings and emotions by tapping into your physical body.
Learn to squeeze all the juice out of an emotional charge when it arises. Once you've fully processed an emotion, you don't have to do it again.
Your emotional charges are not separate from you, they are part of you. You don't need to "get rid" of them. Learn what it means to lovingly integrate them back into
your body.
Regulation keeps charges from building up. When you spend time regulating your system, you will feel more calm, peace, joy and stillness in your daily life.
Hi, I’m Dana Evans
Your Emotional Feeling and Clearing Coach
My mission is to take you on a journey back home to yourself by shedding old, trapped emotions and opening you up to the wisdom of your Inner Voice.
What people are saying
“My session with you exceeded my expectations. We went through such heavy stuff and processed so many emotions that I felt so airy and light afterward. I floated around my home all cozy for the rest of the night.”
“Yesterday’s session was incredibly powerful… I think we got to the bottom of one of my biggest fears. Suddenly, I’m feeling resolute confidence within me, I’m tapping into a whole new way of existing and it tastes so good.”
Session Client
1:1 Client
“I was in complete awe after our session. Now my mind is less active and my inner voice is louder and can interrupt my mind. It’s amazing! [listening to my inner voice] is truly changing my life moment by moment. I feel so light and like I’m floating through life now.”
Session Client
Work With Me
Work With Me
If you feel the nudge to work with me, I have a variety of free offerings, single sessions, 1:1 deep exploration and group experiences.
Let’s Dive In
The Emotional Edit is a 6-week live group program. It will guide you on a journey back home to yourself. By the end of the experience you’ll be able to process and regulate your emotions and feel true connection to your Inner Voice. You’ll feel more fluid in your body, clearer in your mind, and more like yourself than ever before.
The Emotional Edit
Welcome to the Tuning In Podcast where we attune and align with your inner world. We discuss emotional waves, Inner Voice, and the vast wisdom of your body.